We've all heard this; "Sit up straight!" We have all tried to achieve this is command in one way or another. But what actually is good posture? Let's start but defining what posture actually is.
Posture is how one holds oneself. That can be either good or bad positioning. Ideal posture, in sitting or standing, is when all the weight bearing joints are in neutral. Neutral means that the joints from your feet, to your knees, hips and spinal joints are not locked into their end
range of motion. When joints are in their end range, they are hanging onto the ligaments that support the joint. Do that too long over many years and the pain and deterioration of the joint structure occurs.
So how do I help others to achieve that better postural position? I work on two major areas. First, I must help an individual regain normal mobility of their joint and muscular system. Once I establish good flexibility of an individual’s spine and extremities, I can then work with them to get into better postural positions. Through a combination of repositioning the individual and then strengthening them to hold the new position, we can then begin making permanent changes.
In conjunction with proper strengthening, we can use assistive devices, pillows, and ergonomic furniture to help take the pressure off the individual. This will allow people to hold good postural position with less muscular stress and reduced joint pain. Ultimately my goal is to change a person’s environment and position so that they can live life symptom free!